This podcast is a collection of positive birth stories gathered in one place, to inspire you.
We can all learn so much by listening to the stories of the women and families who have gone before us: what their birth experiences were like, what they did, how they felt, and how they feel now - a few months or even years later.
Simply click on a photo below to listen to a story in a mum's own words. Series 1 is now complete.
If you would like to share your own positive story then please do contact me, I'd love to hear from you.
Reduced movements, induction of labour, how to find nuance in the maternity system
Home birth, pregnancy yoga, positive affirmations
First baby, tokophobia, elective Caesarean birth
Second baby, complications in pregnancy, induction of labour
Vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC), birth centre
Homebirth transfer, breech presentation, unplanned Caesarean
First baby, home birth, water birth, hypnobirthing
Second baby, taking back control,doula support
A tale of two labours! Precipitous (very fast) second birth
Please do get in touch with me by phone or email with any questions or to book a free initial meeting, or fill in the contact form and press "send message".
Thank you for contacting Lisa.
I will get back to you as soon as possible.